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亨利·约翰·邓波儿, 帕默斯顿子爵, 1841年出任英国外交大臣, memorably—and dismissively—described Hong Kong as a “barren island with hardly a house upon it” when the Royal Navy seized the island from China during the 1839-1842 Opium War [First Anglo-Chinese War]. 如果不是一个“荒岛”,“香港一直是一个相对安静的捕鱼地点, 盐的生产, 盗版, and illicit trade up until then; the excellent harbor had become an anchorage for British and American opium traders in the 1830s.

《og体育官网》中香港的割让, 签署于1842年8月29日, ending the Opium War and effectively ending the China Trade via Canton (Guangzhou), 不可改变地改变了这个“荒岛”的历史.这座岛屿城市迅速扩张,到1851年已有3.3万居民. 这幅画,从早期的扩张,和 与澳门海港相伴的景色 in the 麻萨诸塞州 Historical Society collection are attri但ed to Lam Qua (or Lamqua), a studio name used by three generations of a family of Cantonese artists who painted in the European or “western” style.


In China, the memory of the Opium War is a story of national decline and humiliation. 三年以上, 中国政府在一系列断断续续的战争中被打败, 但是血腥的交战最终迫使他们开放港口和割让土地, 包括香港, 去英国, all—as the Chinese and many sympathizers in the West saw it—for the purpose of protecting the illegal, 但利润丰厚的鸦片贸易使中国成为一个吸毒成瘾的国家. 英国商人, 以及紧随其后的美国船长和商人, 看到他们的角色是满足中国对鸦片的巨大需求, 并将业务从广州迁至香港. The treaty that ended the Opium War ratified the seizure of Hong Kong and was the first of many “unequal treaties” with encroaching foreign powers that would follow. Hong Kong became a thriving center of trade—considered an exemplar of unfettered business enterprise in the West, 但, 150多年来, 在中国是外国剥削的象征.


1841年秋,74岁的前美国总统约翰·昆西·亚当斯(John Quincy Adams).S. 当时的总统是马萨诸塞州的国会代表, agreed to present a public lecture in Boston on behalf of the 麻萨诸塞州 Historical Society. 自1802年以来, 亚当斯一直在, 当他的外交和政治生涯允许的时候, MHS的活跃成员. While his address was the first in a series of lectures on American history designed to raise funds for the Historical Society, Adams chose as his topic the conflict then underway between Great Britain and China—the Opium War.

Earlier the same year, Adams had made his famous defense before the Supreme Court of the 友谊 俘虏——被非法绑架并在古巴作为奴隶出售的非洲人. 1841年11月22日, 他在波士顿共济会圣殿的听众, 拥挤不堪,可能还以为会听到“雄辩老人”对奴隶制的另一次攻击,但他们还是吃了一惊. Adams launched into a vigorous defense of the conduct of the British government in their relations with China, 否认非法鸦片贸易是战争的起因. He argued that the Chinese government recognized “no such Law [of Nations]” and that its “hereditary, patriarchal despotism” had brought the conflict upon itself by demanding the “Ko-tow”—the complete submission of the representatives of “barbarian” nations to Chinese supremacy—making normal diplomatic relations impossible.

在他的日记中记录了11月22日的事件, John Quincy Adams expressed his relief that his lecture “was heard without manifestation of disapprobation,” even though it ran “directly contrary to the strong current of popular opinion in this Country and will be handled without mercy by political antagonists.——约翰·G. 帕尔弗雷是《og体育官网》的编辑 北美评论他最初建议约翰·昆西·亚当斯为《og体育官网》写一篇文章 审查 中国和英国之间的冲突, 但 he clearly was taken aback when Adams for战争ded to him the manuscript of his argument that Britain had a “righteous cause.“帕尔弗里, who questioned whether the “unsocial and selfish” policies of the Chinese government justified British military action, 支支吾吾, 他知道亚当斯即将返回华盛顿.

约翰·昆西·亚当斯的地址从未出现在 北美评论, 但 it was published in part, without his permission, in the 4 December 1841 issue of the 四开的概念乔治·罗伯茨(George Roberts)的波士顿文学报纸. 即使是演讲的节选也占了整整三页 概念, 以亚当斯所说的“监控课”作为总结, 写在一束磷光上——准备 战争 以及保存 和平.”


Soon after the acquisition of important manuscript collections previously held by the Museum of the American China Trade in Milton, 麻萨诸塞州, 凯瑟琳·H. Griffin compiled an overview of the 麻萨诸塞州 Historical Society’s related holdings, “Manuscripts on the American China Trade at the 麻萨诸塞州 Historical Society,” 《og体育平台》, v. 100(波士顿,1988),128-139.

Current information about the Historical Society’s China Trade holdings can be located by searching 收集指南 (manuscript and photograph collection descriptions and inventories) and the Historical Society’s online catalog, 阿比盖尔的“中国贸易”一词.”


亚当斯,约翰·昆西. 约翰·昆西·亚当斯日记:数字资源

John Quincy Adams’s extraordinary—and extraordinarily long—diary has never been published in its entirety, although a project now is underway to compile a complete online edition of verified and searchable transcriptions. (见 约翰·昆西·亚当斯电子日记 for transcriptions of entries from September 1817-December 1829; with more transcriptons forthcoming.] There is an online digital collection presenting digital facsimiles of the entire diary (51 volumes), 直到亚当斯漫长的生命的最后几年才变得清晰可辨. (见 约翰·昆西·亚当斯日记:数字收藏; this website has a date search tool and browse options for all volumes, 1779-1848.] The Adams Papers Digital Edition includes verified transcriptions for the first 10 years of the diary. (看到 亚当斯论文数字版浏览卷页,为… 约翰·昆西·亚当斯日记,1779-1788.]

亚当斯,约翰·昆西. “J. Q. 亚当斯谈鸦片战争.” 马萨诸塞州历史学会学报1909年10月- 1910年6月. 卷. 63. 波士顿:印刷的社会,1910年,295-325.

A detailed account of the background and publication history of John Quincy Adams’s address, 包括亚当斯演讲手稿的抄本.

玛格丽特·C·克里斯特曼著. S. 冒险的追求:美国人在中国的贸易,1784-1844. Washington: For the National Portrait Gallery by the Smithsonian Institution Press, 1984.

卡尔·克罗斯曼. 中国贸易:出口绘画,家具,银器 & 其他对象. 普林斯顿:派恩出版社,1972.

杜林,埃里克·杰伊. When America First Met China: An Exotic History of Tea, Drugs, and Money in the Age of Sail. 纽约:Liveright出版社,2012.

托马斯·N·莱顿. 《嬉戏号航行:鸦片贸易中的新英格兰商人. 斯坦福:斯坦福大学出版社,1997.

Layton gives a clear description of the operations of American vessels engaged in the opium trade in the 1840s.

洛弗尔,茱莉亚. 毒品、梦想与中国的形成. 纽约:眺望出版社,2014.

Lovell’s account is especially helpful for understanding how the long shadow of 19th-century European (and American) intervention in China influences present-day diplomatic relations.

史蒂芬·R·普拉特. 帝国的黄昏:鸦片战争与中国最后一个黄金时代的结束. 纽约:Alfred A. 克诺夫出版社,2018年.

Platt concludes his recent study of the Opium War with Adams’s “remarkable” speech, 注意到这是因为他的声望, Adams’s “absolute heresy” in the eyes of the public (supporting the British) would later be “frequently mistaken as representing those of Americans at large.”

曾荫权,史蒂夫. 《香港现代史. 伦敦:布鲁姆斯伯里学术出版社,2019.

Wilkinson恩底弥翁. 《中国历史:一本新手册. 第五版. 恩迪米恩·威尔金森,2018.

黄,约翰. 19世纪的全球贸易:侯夸之家与广东制度. 英国剑桥:剑桥大学出版社,2016.